One reel doesn’t spin.
When the reel stop levers enter the reel discs they go bang. Over time they cause flat spots on the disc which catch on the reel stop levers so they can’t get back out of their slots. File the rough spot off.
Also check the reel is not catching on anything that would stop it from turning normally, if the reel dec spins normally when taken out of the machine this could be rogue wires from the door bulb units.
First reel doesn’t spin – just goes ‘clunk’.
At the bottom of the reel mechanism there are 3 long thin about 8″ bars with 4 holes in the end. Each hole is used for the timing of the spin of each reel. Sometimes by replacing the 1st bar it will vary the spin and not cause another lever in the linkage to fall off’ or move too soon before the 1st reel has had time to spin. Sometimes the 1st reel has a bar with one hole that one will often work better than the 3 hole version. Spring tension may also help. Another solution is to use different holes in the 8″ bars. The 1st reel bar is normally at the second hole. Change this to the 3rd hole. The 2nd reel bar is normally at the third hole. Change this to the fourth hole. Leave the third reel bar alone in the 4th hole. Now revise this third reel bar. This bar has a variator on it that is ratcheted around by a latch. Remove this latch and its spring by bending the smallest tab on the latch and pushing it off completely. Next turn the variator (the circular black wheel) with your fingers until the bar is short. Now the 3 reels will stop 1, 2, 3 in that order.
Reel(s) don’t spin – sporadic.
Clock or clock gear – replace. If all reels don’t spin at all, the pin in the clock could be sheered off. If one or more reels don’t spin it could also be the pin sheered off in the large shaft that goes across the back bottom of the reel mechanism. The pins are in the back lower left and right corner of the reel mechanism (facing the machine). The broken pin may allow some turning of the shaft which allows 1 or 2 of the reels to spin. Also, the large shaft could be not turning enough to allow the reels to be kicked around. To increase the rotation of the large shaft the latch pawl assembly (“0” in bally manuals) needs to be closer to the trip lever assembly (“n” in bally manuals). The latch pawl assembly is on the very lower right back of the reel assembly (facing the machine). Now, increase the length of the threaded shaft assembly (“f” in bally manuals). It’s the shaft enclosed by a huge spring. At the back end is a nut. Move the nut towards the back of the reel assembly and move the other nut near it along the shaft also. Now the latch pawl will be closer to where it should be and will turn the main large shaft farther. Also, it may be necessary to move the trip operating lever stop bracket to the left by loosening the two bolts that hold it. This allows the latch pawl to travel farther and rotate the main shaft even more. After this is done it may be necessary to adjust the dash pot switch to account for the above moves. After all this adjusting it could be that there is just too much wear on the parts.
Here’s a quick solution when you pull the handle and it just won’t start the reels spinning. Look at the right side of the reel mechanism and see the two big gears. The trick is to rotate the lower gear one notch clockwise. Remove the retaining ring that holds this gear on. Poke the gear out, rotate one notch clockwise, fit the gears together, put the ring back on and the handle should spin the reels.
Another cause of a reel (s) not spinning occurs when the wiper (s) is pressing too hard against the contacts. Since the wiper doesn’t get pushed back the levers just stay put in the reel discs and the reel can’t be kicked so that it will spin. Relieve the tension on the wipers so they go in and out easily by hand.
If all reels don’t spin and just go “clunk” it could be that a tiny spring has fallen off a clock gear. The clock is on the left side of the reel mechanism (it has a fan that whizzes around when the reels are turning). The clock has two large gears – one fat, one skinny. The skinny gear has little latches that have little springs on them. If a spring has come off, the clock will go “clunk” and so will the reels. Put the spring back onto the little post.
The handle doesn’t pull down far enough to kick the reels. You have to thump the handle down real hard to start the reels going around.
The quickest and simplest way is to take the reel mechanism out. Notice there is a fork pointing out toward you on the right side. The reel mechanism slides into this fork and the fork moves when the handle is pulled. Hit the fork with a hammer with a downward notion. Bend the fork down just a tiny bit. Now the handle gives more rotation.
The bell rings when door is closed.
The bulb holder on the door (top right as you look at the open door) is touching the door hinge (top left as you look at the cabinet with the door open). Move the bulb holder, if practical, or tape both the bulb holder and the hinge so they don’t touch metal-to-metal.
Bell rings after a payoff is made and keeps ringing, but it does stop ringing on the next play.
Open the “a” switch on the reel mechanism so that it never closes. Just spread the two contacts nearest the front of the machine so they won’t touch. Now the bell rings and stops when it is supposed to. The “a” switch is at the left side of the reel mech nearest the rear of the reel mechanism. It is a vertical set of switches.
The inside workings of the machine just can’t be seen from outside the machine.
make a set of test cables. These are beau plugs joined by a bunch of 6 ft. Long wires. Now, the upper unit, the reel mechanism, or the hopper can be played outside the machine. Contacts can be touched one at a time to see if all of a sudden they were the problem. In the hopper, coins can be watched to see what is wrong. Each machine action can be watched.