Bally Electromechanical Slot Machine Light Issues

Bally Light Issues


All small lights are out. The 10 amp fuse blows.


  • 1. Check for a burn mark on the left front side of the machine where the bundle of wires touch the door frame just below the upper hinge. Often the bundle of wire will get pinched when the door shuts. Eventually, the insulation will break away and the bare wire will either break or short out against the cabinet frame. 
  • 2. On the left side of the reel mechanism there are 2 pins about 1 1/4″ sticking out. They have cream-colored insulators around them. If the back one has worn through and the contact is touching the metal pin, the fuse will blow. 


Lights don’t go on for a coin after the first coin lights have already come on (on a multiple coin machine). 


Clean the upper unit step up points on the star connector. This is usually located in the top unit of the machine. Make sure all points of the connector are making full contact with the board. Also make sure the connecting pins on the beau plug are making a good connection. You can use some light sandpaper to make sure these pins are clean.


One light (sometimes a couple) doesn’t turn on in the upper unit. 


Clean the socket beau plug contact. Clean and tighten all contact stacks of the upper unit.  Two contact blades barely or loosely touching may cause a lack of current going to a bulb. Clean and/or tighten the contacts on the step up spiral. 


Upper unit lights all go off after between 1 and 25 pulls of the handle. Fuse sometimes blows.


The problem is usually in the fuse holder. The contact between the fuse cap and the fuse is loose causing arcing. This eventually makes the fuse blow. Make sure you check the fuse is making correct contact. You can use a small piece of aluminium foil to make sure full contact.


On a 5 line machine lines 2, 3, & 5 light up on the door when one coin is put in. Only the middle line pays off. On the second coin, the 5th line light goes on and the 2nd and 3rd stay lit. On the 3rd coin only the line 2 light stays on. On the 4th and 5th coin all lights go out. These things only happen on the lights on the door and it often happens every little while the lights up above work fine.


Open the door. On the inside of the door there are 2 white plugs. The upper plug has a loose or broken wire (usually blue). If the break is inside this plug a wire can be run right around the plug. This saves the time of replacing the plug or fixing the plug.


On a 5 line progressive jackpot machine the lights in the upper unit do not work at all and on the reel glass only the 1st coin light (and maybe one or two others) come on.


On progressive machines there are usually two top insert plugs (plugs about 6″ long). These can become corroded and must be scraped and cleaned and adjusted so a good contact is made. Run light sandpaper over the contacts so they conduct correctly. If you find the lights work initially but after some time of the machine being turned on they stop working this is usually due to the female side of the beau plug that has expanded with the heat and the inner teeth may need slightly bending back to make better contact.


On a hold & draw machine the hold light doesn’t go on and stay on when it is supposed to. 


Look for broken wire from the “hold” circuit switch on the right rear of the reel mech to the switch on the back of the circuit board on the hopper. Check brown wire with red tracer where it enters the switch in the hopper. 


Lights are all dim or don’t light at all.


Firstly make sure all contacts on the bulb holders are making proper contact. You can easily test if it is a contact issue by wiggling the bulb holder slightly to see if the bulb glows brighter. Make sure you are careful when touching the bulb holders with the machine on. We would advise you use a non-conductive tool to perform this test.

If the bulbs do not glow brighter when you move them then the machine may have been used where 220 volts were used. To change back to 110 there is sometimes a plug near the transformer behind the hopper. Move that plug to the other receptacle. Usually you unplug the plug and move it to the receptacle just above. Where no plug exists, change the wiring at the back of the transformer. From left to right looking into the machine the wires at the back of the transformer are 1,3,5,7, and 9. Take the wire off 9 and solder it to 7. Break the jumper wire going from 3 to 5. Solder a wire joining 1 to 3 and another wire joining 5 to 7. 


All lights are out.


  • 1. Check all fuses and the wiring to each fuse holder is not broken or burned.
  • 2. Push reset button behind the hopper. 


The “winner paid” light never goes out.


The reset pawl switch is not opening when the handle is pulled. It is located in the hopper behind the brown bakelite payout circuit board. Facing this board it is located on the left side behind both the board and the metal plate the board is attached to clean the switch and bend it so it opens and closes correctly. 


The “insert coin” and “coin accepted” light don’t work.


On the left side of the reel mechanism (looking from the front of the machine) there is a bank of 5 switches at the back lower side corner near a solenoid. The second switch (from the front of the machine) is the coin switch. This switch needs to be cleaned and/or bent so it opens and closes properly. 


All fluorescent lights are out.


Firstly check all of the bulbs are working correctly and check the starters are operational. If you are sure these are working correctly then open the front door. Back by the hinges there are 2 white plugs. There may be a loose or broken white wire on or around the upper plug. If the problem is inside the plug, just run a wire around the plug. This is quicker than replacing or fixing the plug.


Irregular lighting patterns appear in upper unit as each coin is entered. 


There is a cold solder (a loose connection) in a ground wire on the back of the light board in the top unit. 


The hold and draw light and the draw feature do not work on a machine with a hold feature (Eg.. Monte Carlo or Quick Draw).


Clean and adjust the hold and draw switch. It is located on the hopper at about the 9 o’clock position on the spiral disc that indexes around as each coin is counted. It is attached to and below the zero switch. If it is not making good contact the hold and draw light will not go on. 

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